2023 GRWx Workshops and MasterClasses

Workshop 1: Women Fast Forward
Date and Time: 21st November | 08:30 – 12:30

This one-day LEWAS workshop will explore how to stay agile and relevant with new ways to navigate your career journey. Learn how to engage, inform, and own the space. Don't miss the chance to network with young energy professionals and turn valuable connections into future opportunities.

Nancy Speidel, Founder and CEO, iSAW International, UK
Eithne Treanor, CEO, E-Treanor Media, UAE
Workshop 2: Advancing Women's Leadership Skills - Boardroom Skills
Date and Time: 21st November | 08:30 – 12:30

This single-day workshop provides evidence-based strategies, skill enhancement, and educational resources designed to empower women at different career stages, enabling them to thrive in leadership roles. It also plays a pivotal role in nurturing highly qualified women leaders, both existing and emerging, to their full potential.

Heidi Lynne Balasch, Principal, Upstream Energy, EPAM Systems, Canada
Alexander Gottling, Executive HR Services, Saudi Aramco, KSA
Workshop 3: Interrupting Bias: Blindspots in Business
Date and Time: 21st November | 08:30 – 12:30

Bias is a big word, but very rarely do we talk about the sneaky ways it creeps into the way we see the world, our decision-making, and how we communicate. In this interactive session, you'll learn how to identify your blind spots and what to do about them and build a toolkit that will help you and your organizations create a more inclusive, inspiring, and innovative culture.

Dr. Jennifer Shepard, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist, Industrial and Organisational Psychologist, Saudi Aramco, KSA
Katherine Sinex, Founder and CEO of Revilo Consulting Ltd.

MasterClass 1: Men Who CARE - Allies and Advocates
Date and Time: 21st November | 15:00 – 19:00

Join us for a one-day LEWAS MasterClass where you get to have meaningful discussions on how to support and champion women in the workplace. We will be building on the concept of CARE - Collaboration, Adaptability, Resilience and Empathy as a foundation for your personal and professional development and how you can apply these critical words to support and empower women in the workplace. There will be dialogue, breakout sessions, networking and work that goes beyond words to action.

Sam Thiara, Chief Motivating Officer – Ignite the Dream Coaching and Consulting and Term Lecturer, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University
Babatunde Ogungbesan, Executive Development and Talent, Saudi Aramco

MasterClass 2: AI Powered Transformation for HR Leaders
Date and Time: 21st November | 15:00 – 19:00

The future of HR isn't just about integrating AI; it's about channeling its transformative power to foster sustainability, women's empowerment, and gender diversity. This half-day masterclass bridges the worlds of AI, HR, and sustainability, tailored specifically for progressive HR leaders in the Middle East and beyond. Whether you're at the cusp of leveraging AI or are looking to understand its potential for sustainable gender diversity, this masterclass will be your compass, guiding you through every step.

Trish Uhl, Consultant, Owl's Ledge LLC.

Registration to the LEWAS Workshops, MasterClasses, Symposium & Awards Gala Dinner is now open.
For any registration inquiries, please email registrations@e3-worldwide.com
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